Friday, February 7, 2020

Prophecies from October 2019 General Conference

Every now and again, I'll see a post asking something like, "If we believe in prophets, where are the prophecies?" My answer is always the same-- take a look at the most recent conference, and you will find them there. This answer is usually appreciated by believing Latter-day Saints, but dismissed by those antagonistic to the church.

The primary role of a prophet is to act as God's messenger and make known God's will. He will teach faith in Jesus Christ and repentance. I think lots of times those looking for prophecies are looking for things similar to biblical accounts of prophets warning cities of their impending destruction if they do not repent. These are very dramatic, but only really happen a few times in the Bible and Book of Mormon. However, on a less grandiose scale, these things happen all the time. The day of miracles has not ceased.

If we take a look at conference talks and ask ourselves to find prophecies, we will find them. Perhaps the most explicit example from last conference is from Jeffrey R. Holland:

Sisters and brothers, through the incessant din and drumbeat of our day, may we strive to see Christ at the center of our lives, of our faith, and of our service. That is where true meaning lies. And if some days our vision is limited or our confidence has waned or our belief is being tested and refined—as surely it will be—may we then cry out the louder, “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.” I promise with apostolic fervor and prophetic conviction that He will hear you and will say, soon or late, “Receive thy sight: thy faith hath saved thee.”

Here, you have an apostle of Jesus Christ promise us with prophetic conviction that if we ask Jesus for mercy, He will hear us.

This also gives us a hint. What do the prophets invite us to do? What do they promise? What is a promise, from a prophet, that something will happen, if not a prophecy?

Some talks don't have this--for example, the talks that Dallin H. Oaks gave were largely expounding on doctrine. However, this is another role of a prophet. As the angel taught John, the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

So here we have President Dallin H. Oaks saying:

I testify of the truth of what I have said here and of the truths taught and to be taught in this conference.

And we could consider that declared by the spirit of prophecy.

Both these kind of statements are typically (but not exclusively) found at the close of talks. I'll quote a bunch of others that I have found. I hope that you can use this as a guide in future conferences, or as you study older conference addresses.

Although they may seem small, these promises are how we prepare ourselves to meet our Savior, Jesus Christ.

May we choose to seek His help and take an important and difficult step by forgiving those who have hurt us so that our wounds may begin to heal. I promise you that in your doing so, your nights will be full of the relief that comes from a mind at peace with the Lord.

--Ulisses Soares, "Take Up Our Cross"

With us at the beginning, He is with us, in all our covenant belonging, to the end. I so testify in the sacred and holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.

--Gerrit W. Gong, "Covenant Belonging"

I invite you to commit to a lifelong process of discipleship. Make and keep covenants. Throw your old ways into deep, churning waterfalls. Completely bury your weapons of rebellion with no handles sticking out. Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, making covenants with a real intent to reliably honor them will bless your life forever. You will become more like the Savior as you always remember Him, follow Him, and adore Him. I testify that He is the firm foundation. He is dependable, and His promises are sure. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

--Dale G. Renlund, "Unwavering Commitment to Jesus Christ"

My dear brothers and sisters, we must continue to be faithful and vigilant, for so is the only way to discern truth and to hear the voice of the Lord through His servants. ... I bear my witness of the Holy One of Israel—even the name of Jesus Christ. I testify of His abiding love, truth, and joy that are made possible by His infinite and eternal sacrifice. As we obey His commandments, we will always be led in the right way and will not be deceived.

--Gary E. Stevenson, "Deceive Me Not"

As an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, I conclude with an invitation and promise. First, the invitation: I invite you to consider the promises and covenants you make with the Lord, and with others, with great integrity, knowing that your word is your bond. Second, I promise you, as you do this, the Lord will establish your words and sanction your deeds as you strive with unwearied diligence to build up your lives, your families, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He will be with you, my dear brothers and sisters, and you can, with confidence, look forward to being “received into heaven, that thereby [you] may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness … for the Lord God hath spoken it.”

--Ronald A. Rasband, "Standing by Our Promises and Covenants"

If you desire to return to the tree and taste the fruit once again, begin by praying to your Heavenly Father. Believe in Jesus Christ and the power of His atoning sacrifice. I promise you that as you look to the Savior “in every thought,” the fruit of the tree will be yours once again, delicious to your taste, joyous to your soul, “the greatest of all the gifts of God.”

--Neil L. Andersen, "Fruit"

With President Russell M. Nelson, I testify that joy is a gift for faithful Saints “who have endured the crosses of the world” and who are “intentionally trying to live a righteous life, as taught by Jesus Christ.”

--D. Todd Christofferson, "The Joy of the Saints"

Dear brothers and sisters, I promise and testify that these comprehensive adjustments, under the direction of an inspired president and prophet, Russell M. Nelson, will empower and strengthen every member of the Church. Our youth will develop greater faith in the Savior, be protected from the temptations of the adversary, and stand prepared to meet life’s challenges.

--Quentin L. Cook, "Adjustments to Strengthen Youth"

I invite and encourage you to reflect on this episode with the cheetahs and the topis and identify additional lessons for you and your family. Please remember always that your home is the true center of gospel learning and living.

As you respond in faith to this invitation, inspired thoughts will come to your mind, spiritual feelings will swell in your heart, and you will recognize actions that should be undertaken or continued so that you can “take upon you [the] whole armor [of God], that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand.”

I promise that the blessings of effective preparation and spiritual protection will flow into your life as you are watchful unto prayer vigilantly and continually.

I testify that pressing forward on the covenant path provides spiritual safety and invites enduring joy into our lives. And I witness that the risen and living Savior will sustain and strengthen us in times both good and bad.

--David A. Bednar, "Watchful unto Prayer Continually"

If you sense that your life could have more meaning, a higher purpose, stronger family bonds, and a closer connection with God, please, come, join with us.

If you seek a community of people who are working to become the best versions of themselves, help those in need, and make this world a better place, come, join with us!

Come and see what this marvelous, wondrous, and adventurous journey is all about.

Along the way you will discover yourself.

You will discover meaning.

You will discover God.

You will discover the most adventurous and glorious journey of your life.

Of this I testify in the name of our Redeemer and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.

--Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "Your Great Adventure"

Brothers and sisters, I encourage you to slow down a bit and think about where you are now in subjugating your carnal nature and empowering your divine, spiritual nature so when the time comes, you may pass into the spirit world to a joyful reunion with your loved ones—for which I testify and humbly pray in the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

--M. Russell Ballard, "Giving Our Spirits Control over Our Bodies"

I testify that God the Father lives and He loves you. He will answer your prayers. His Beloved Son leads, in every detail, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. President Russell M. Nelson is His living prophet. And Joseph Smith saw and spoke with God the Father and Jesus Christ in a grove of trees in Palmyra, New York. I know that is true. I also testify that Jesus Christ is your Savior; He loves you. And through His Atonement, you can be purified and lifted to the high and holy callings which will come to you. I so testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

--Henry B. Eyring, "Covenant Women in Partnership with God"

So, I invite you to study prayerfully section 25 of the Doctrine and Covenants and discover what the Holy Ghost will teach you. Your personal spiritual endeavor will bring you joy as you gain, understand, and use the power with which you have been endowed.

Part of this endeavor will require you to put aside many things of this world. Sometimes we speak almost casually about walking away from the world with its contention, pervasive temptations, and false philosophies. But truly doing so requires you to examine your life meticulously and regularly. As you do so, the Holy Ghost will prompt you about what is no longer needful, what is no longer worthy of your time and energy.

As you shift your focus away from worldly distractions, some things that seem important to you now will recede in priority. You will need to say no to some things, even though they may seem harmless. As you embark upon and continue this lifelong process of consecrating your life to the Lord, the changes in your perspective, feelings, and spiritual strength will amaze you!

--Russell M. Nelson, "Spiritual Treasures"

Individual worthiness to enter the Lord’s house requires much individual spiritual preparation. But with the Lord’s help, nothing is impossible. In some respects, it is easier to build a temple than it is to build a people prepared for a temple. Individual worthiness requires a total conversion of mind and heart to be more like the Lord, to be an honest citizen, to be a better example, and to be a holier person.

I testify that such preparatory work brings innumerable blessings in this life and inconceivable blessings for the life to come, including the perpetuation of your family unit throughout all eternity “in a state of never-ending happiness.”

--Russell M. Nelson, "Closing Remarks"

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