Friday, February 7, 2020

Prophecies from October 2019 General Conference

Every now and again, I'll see a post asking something like, "If we believe in prophets, where are the prophecies?" My answer is always the same-- take a look at the most recent conference, and you will find them there. This answer is usually appreciated by believing Latter-day Saints, but dismissed by those antagonistic to the church.

The primary role of a prophet is to act as God's messenger and make known God's will. He will teach faith in Jesus Christ and repentance. I think lots of times those looking for prophecies are looking for things similar to biblical accounts of prophets warning cities of their impending destruction if they do not repent. These are very dramatic, but only really happen a few times in the Bible and Book of Mormon. However, on a less grandiose scale, these things happen all the time. The day of miracles has not ceased.