Friday, August 31, 2012

God Makers Cartoon Analysis

In 1982, a film was created by two evangelical Christians (one an ex-Mormon) with the purpose to warn people away from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The God Makers distorts our beliefs to make them appear ridiculous.  Things that are insignificant to our doctrine are made to seem very important, while anything we believe about Jesus Christ being the Savior of the world is completely removed.

It is for this last reason that I care about this.  Yes, we do believe some crazy things.  But at least think we are crazy for the things we actually believe in.  And at least recognize that we see Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer.

Recently, thanks to video-sharing websites like YouTube, this video is more available to the public than it otherwise would be, especially the cartoon segment purporting to portray our beliefs.  The Fair Mormon wiki does not yet have an in-depth Analysis of this, so I decided to create my own.  As best I can, I will give a line-by-line analysis of the claims made, and as I go, I'll try to describe what we really believe.  I also made a post covering the same topics but only telling what we believe instead of the analysis in case that is more what you are looking for.